About Me

Welcome to Anwen Elizabeth Photography!

Anwen? Wait, isn’t my name actually Wendy?

Well…here’s the deal. My dad wanted to name me Arwen (yes, like the elf in Lord of the Rings), but my mom wasn’t down with that (thanks, Mom!), so they compromised and named me Anwen (which is Welsh). But my dad also wanted a little girl named Wendy, so they made the obvious decision to name me Anwen and nickname me Wendy. Not confusing in the slightest! 😉 But I’m not complaining…I love the name Anwen, and I’ve always gone by Wendy.

But you clicked on the “About Me” section, so you probably want to know a little more about me then just where my name came from, right?


I have a Cocker Spaniel named Lexie, who may or may not be the love of my life (at least until I find the real love of my life).

My favorite place in the world is Cinque Terre, Italy. When I’m having a bad day, I daydream about leaving everything behind and just taking the first flight to Italy.

I was an English major at the University of Florida, and I’ll be a bookworm and a Gator fan for life.

I always chew two pieces of gum at a time. Yep, two–none of that halvsies nonsense.

I am a dreamer.

I am a thrift store/Craigslist junkie. My favorite things in my apartment are my ugly yellow lamps, snagged for 5 buckeroos at a thrift store.

I am a full-time Marketing Communications Coordinator for a biotech company (ooh, sounds fancy, eh?), and a part-time wedding and lifestyle photographer, thrifter, crafter, blogstalker, wannabe fashionista, and blogger.

And I love making new friends…so don’t hesitate to say hello!

Email: anwenelizabeth@gmail.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/anwenelizabethphotography

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/anwen_elizabeth

0 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Melissa Berlin

    I absolutely love your work and will never be able to thank you enough for the gorgeous pictures you took (I’ve only seen the one that you posted of Teddy and me, but I’m sure the rest are great too!). You have a gift!

    1. Wendy Norman

      You are more than welcome…thank you for being such a gorgeous subject! 🙂 You should probably book Teddy some gigs ASAP…he’s too cute for words, and could definitely be a model-puppy!

  2. Lindsay Brennan

    Hi there! I am trying to respond to your Facebook message but Facebook won’t let me! Feel free to contact me on my GMail. =) Thanks! Lindsay

    1. Lifestill Photography Post author

      Thanks, Kaycee!! 🙂 Sounds like you are doing what makes you happy too! Cali sounds like fun (Um, Hollywood? Amazing.), but yeah…I would miss Gville if I left too. Live it up for me, so I can live vicariously through your blog adventures!

  3. Once_a_King

    Darn . . . some spammer got hold of this “About” address and is going to town. There ought to be a law? Policy? Filter? something to keep this from happening.

  4. Val Payne

    Love your stuff, Wendy!! Hope I’ll be able to use you sometime 🙂 So proud of what you’re doing!


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